Getting Started with Omeka S

How Omeka S Works

Omeka S differs from other website builders or content management systems in the order you create the site. Build content first, then adjust the styling and layout last. Here's a brief overview of the site building process:

  1. Build Item Set

    • An item set is your container for the content on your site. You will create an item for each image, video,  text block, etc that then becomes a part of your item set. Before you can start building your site, you should have the majority of your content ready to add to an item set.

    • Items can be added one at a time or imported as a group by an administrator.

  2. Add Pages

    • Once you've added your content to an item set, build out the site structure by creating pages.

    • Next, organize the pages so your website visitors can easily navigate through your site.

  3. Add Content Blocks to Pages

    • Finally, add the items from your item set to your pages using a variety of preformatted content blocks.