Item Sets

An item set is the container for the content on a site.

Each image, video,  text block, etc that you want to include on your site is created as an item then becomes a part of your item set. Before you can start building your site, you should have the majority of your content ready to add to an item set.

An item set will be created for you along with your site. It is possible to create more than one item set, although there may be more useful ways to organize your content.

  • View Your Item Set
    1. From the left menu bar click Item Sets.
      • Along with your item set, you will also be able to see item sets for the public sites of other users at Oklahoma State. When your site and item set are set to private, other Omeka S users at Oklahoma State will not be able to see your content.
      • The eye icon indicates whether your item set is private or public. Click the pencil to change this setting once your site is ready to go live.
    2. Click the name of your item set to view items or add new items.
  • Add Items to Your Item Set
    1. From the item set page, in the upper right corner, click View items.
    2.  In the upper right corner, click Add new item.
    3. Describe your item in the boxes below.
      • A red asterisk means the box is required.
      • Too many boxes? Ask the admin about a custom Resource Template.
    4. Go to the Media tab to add your content. On the right side of the page, click one of the following options:
      an image or video from your computer
      link to an image or site or other resource that you have permission to share
      text or code
      an image from OSU Archives, DPLA or Oklahoma Historical Society
      media made available via the oembed format
      a youtube video
    5. You must add a title for the media you just uploaded. This will serve as the alt text for your media.
    6. Go to the Item sets tab. On the right, click on the name of your item set.
      • This will add your item to your item set.
    7.  To use this image on a timeline or a map, go to the Mapping tab,
    8. In the upper right corner of the page, click the Add button to save your item.
  • Edit an Item
    1. View the items in your item set (see above).
    2. Click the pencil icon to the right of the item you'd like to edit.
    3. Remember to click save.

Note: if you have a large set of items to add, contact the administrator to discuss importing those items in a single batch.